Players are required to pay a full registration fee for each team they choose to play in. 

If a player chooses to play in more than one team, they are required to pay more than one registration fee. 

There are no discounts on registration fees. 

Any players that play without paying their registration fees in full, or making arrangements with us for payment, will result in their team FORFEITING the game, and the player will be suspended for 2 matches

If you are having issues paying your fee’s you need to see the competition manager to make arrangements.  In cases where arrangements cannot be made you CANNOT PLAY until your registrations are paid in full.


Minimum of 10 players per team. 

If a team has less than 10 players, they are required to find the additional players or cover the cost of the number of players that the team are short to reach the minimum of 10. 



Minimum of 11 players per team. 

If a team has less than 11 players, they are required to find the additional players or cover the cost of the number of players that the team are short to reach the minimum of 11. 


Age Divisions: Age divisions are based on the calendar year (in which the competition starts in) for example any players turning 10 years of age in 2024 will be in the 10s Division.

Tiny Tagerz (4/5 year olds)











U16/17’s – played on senior nights at Calwell and Kaleen from 4:45pm. 


Mixed:  4 girls and 4 boys on the field. 

Boys: all males

Girls: all females 



Players MUST be 15 years or older by Round 1. 



10 Round games + 2 weeks of finals 



12 Round games + 2 weeks of finals 


Games run for 30minutes timeslots, 2 x 15min halves. 


Games run for 40minutes timeslots, 2 x 20min halves. 

  • All shorts & tights worn must be official Oztag garments or you cannot take the field.
  • No shorts will be loaned out.
  • ACT Oztag will supply the ball for each game. 
  • All players must have the same team shirt, including a number, before they take the field. 
  • Captains are responsible for returning all tags at the end of the game to the referee.
  • No metal studs or cleats are permitted.
  • All players MUST have a number on their shirt.  

Online Shop

All teams are to be in matching shirts with numbers on the back. 


There are penalties in place for players out of uniform from round 3 unless there is an acceptable reason.  An acceptable reason IS NOT:

  • I left mine at home.
  • I have multiple teams.
  • The dog ate it.
  • It’s in the car or another bag.


Players out of uniform on the field will also be penalised 1 try per player out of uniform. This will be decided by the referee.

Players will be warned for Rounds 1-2 before rule is applied.

There will be no consideration given to teams/players coming up the office after a game raising issues with uniforms.  If you have concerns, you must raise them with our Competition Official during the game or at half time.  The decision of the Competition Official is final, any arguing or dissent shown towards the Competition Official regarding policing this rule will see additional penalties imposed on the player/team in question.


Individual teams are allocated the same jersey style to wear. It does not matter if individual jersey numbers clash, as long as each player is wearing the correct jersey. 

  • The organiser is the person who registers the team and indicates online that they are the organiser.
  • The organiser is respobsible for signing on players before the game. 
  • Captains are the only players to ask questions of referees, this should be done respectfully.
  • Captains, please make sure you check the score with the referee at the end of the game. If you do not agree with the score, come and see us at the office.
  • The person who takes the toss at the beginning of the game is considered by the referee to be the captain of that team. If someone else has this role you must notify the referee.
  • The captain/organiser is responsible for the actions of their players AND their spectators. If a player or spectator does not follow the instructions of the referee it is the captain/organiser who is responsible to ensure that they do.  The captain/organiser may be dismissed by the referee to deal with any players/spectators. Any suspensions given to unregistered players or spectators will be borne by the captain/organiser in attendance at the game in question.  
  • Should the organiser not be in attendance at the game, or is a non-playing organiser, the penalty will fall to either the captain or another person in the team (the committee will decide in consultation with the team).

Players must check in every week to be covered by Oztag insurance and to qualify for the finals.

  • At each field there will be a field sign with a QR Code.
  • Team Managers are asked to scan the QR code prior to the game.
  • This can be done prior to kick off or at half time of the game.
  • When you scan the QR code you can fill in all players names in the one box that attended the game. (First name only is ok)
  • It is imperative you QR sign in, as it is part of your insurance in case of an injury.


  • To notify of a forfeit the team manager can: Email ACT Oztag – OR message on Facebook – ACT Oztag
  • Teams are required to forfeit a game by 2pm. 
  • Teams who forfeit will have the game recorded as a 10-0 loss.
  • Teams who do a NO SHOW will lose an additional 4-points from the competition ladder and the game will be recorded as a 10-0 loss.  
  • Teams who forfeit three times during the season will have their position in the competition reviewed. Unless there are extenuating circumstances for the forfeits the team will be withdrawn from the competition with NO REFUNDS
  • The non-offending team will be awarded a 10-0 win for a forfeit.
  • Teams who forfeit semi-finals will not be eligible for grand finals.
  1. Each fill in player MUST pay a $10.00 fill-in fee, which covers filling in for 1 game only.
  2. Fill in’s MUST report to the ground controllers, register and sign on BEFORE taking the field and playing.
  3. The player can play a MAXIMUM of 2 games as a fill in player after which they must pay a full registration.
  4. Players can only FILL IN if the team they are FILLING IN for have 8 or less players. 

  6. Player/s found playing unregistered will result in the team losing that game.
  7. Organiser/captain or responsible player organising an unregistered player to play without following the fill in procedures will be suspended for 1 week.
  8. Fill in payers are not eligible to play Semi-Finals or Grand-Finals
  9. ACT Oztag reserves the right to reject a fill in player for any reason. ACT Oztag Association reserves the right to alter these conditions as we see fit.
  • Do not play players who are not registered in your team. They are not covered by insurance, and if found your team will lose the game and the player, if registered at ACT Oztag, will be suspended for 2 weeks from all teams.  Playing an unregistered player is not fair on all players, including the ones in your team, who have paid their registration fees.
  • If an unregistered player is found playing, then the team organiser (if in attendance) or another player who is in attendance at the game (generally the person who bought the unregistered player) will be suspended for all matches for 2 weeks.

No exceptions for any team no matter how long they have been together, family members, keeping rep teams together or for any other reason.

To try to maintain the competitiveness of our competitions, and to give all teams a fair go, we have rules in place on how many Representative players that are permitted in teams. 



A maximum of 4 REPRESENTATIVE players per team. A current rep player is a player who played or is playing in any 2023 or 2024 Representative Tournament. This means a Rep Player at ANY OZTAG association. 

If a team consist of MORE than 4 REPRESENTATIVE players they must play 2 age divisions up. 



To try to maintain the competitiveness of our competitions, and to give all teams a fair go, we have rules in place on how many Representative players that are permitted in teams from Division C down.  If you have any question regarding these rules, or how they may apply to your team or players please do not hesitate to contact us.  We are always open to suggestions on improvements or tweaking of these rules, but they must be to everyone’s benefits, so if you have any idea’s please come and discuss them with us.

 A Rep player is a person who has represented ANY Oztag competition at either of the 2023 or 2024 State Cups or the 2023/24 National Championships



Male – 34 and under


Male – 35-39


Male – 40+


Female – 29 and under


Female – 30-35


Female 35+


 Age is determined by the players age at scheduled start date of the respective competition.


Points Limit

Div A/Div B/ Super 7’s


Div C


Div D


Div E and lower


  • These limits do not dictate where teams without Rep Players are graded. Just because a team is under a limit it does not mean they cannot be placed in a high grade.
  • Players who have only represented in a Junior Representative team DO NOT count towards the rep player total, but you must indicate if Junior Rep when registering.
  • You must indicate when registering if a player is a Rep Player. This means a Rep Player at ANY OZTAG.  
  • Any team found not identifying any rep players will be subject to sanctions as the committee decides, including re-grading of the team or withdrawal of the player/s in question.

If a player can no longer play during the season the following applies:

  1. If the player withdrawing IS NOT being replaced and the SEASON HAS NOT COMMENCENCED, they will get a full refund minus a $20 administration fee.
  2. If the player withdrawing IS NOT being replaced and HAS played games, they are entitled to NO REFUND. (Unless there are extenuating circumstances (at the Committee’s discretion)
  3. If a player wants to transfer to a different team and HAS played games, there is a $20 charge.

Photo ID must be produced when checking in for finals or when requested by an official.  Photo ID is used to confirm name and date of birth details.

The finals series will be comprised of the top 4 teams playing off over a two-week period.

Which divisions play finals?


Tiny Tagerz do not play finals. 

U6’s – U17’s play finals.



A, B, C, D and E Divisions play finals. 

Novice do not play finals. 

Semi Finals

  • SF1: 1 v 4
  • SF2: 2 v 3

Grand Finals

  • Winner SF1 v Winner SF2

Drawn games in finals (local rule)


If there are drawn games during semifinals, then the following applies:

5 minutes of extra time will be played. 

  1. Extra time is capped at 5 minutes. The ground official supervisor will keep the time. If the game is still a draw at the end of extra time, the highest qualifying team will advance through to the grand-final.  
  2. Only registered players are eligible to play finals. NO fill-in players permitted.


If there are drawn games during grandfinals, then the following applies:

5 minutes of extra time will be played. 

  1. Extra time is capped at 5 minutes. The ground official supervisor will keep the time. If the game is still a draw at the end of extra time, the game will progress into a 5 v 5 drop off. 
  2. Extra time will start with 5 players from each team. (Mixed, 3 male/2 female per team)
  • All starts of play in extra time will be by a tap kick (that is you do not kick off) at halfway.
  • If a team scores a try in the first possession of extra time, play will be restarted with a tap kick by the team that did not score the try at halfway. This team then has one possession during which they must score a try otherwise the opposition is declared the winner.
  • Each team must have at least one possession of the ball, after which first try wins.
  • A possession is defined as a set or six OR up until you lose possession in that set of six.
  • Play will then continue until there is a result.
  • Teams have the right of reply if each continues scoring in consecutive sets.
  • To be eligible for finals series a player must be registered to the team.
  • During Semi-finals & Grand Finals each player MUST show their Photo ID before they check in.
  • All players must check in before taking the field. Check in closes at half time.

Due to numerous factors it is not always possible to get teams graded correctly.  When doing the initial grading there are many factors we have to consider including:

  • Past performance of team
  • Players in a team (experience, rep players)
  • Oztag experience (new teams/players)
  • Number of teams into a division
  • Potential player/referee clashes
  • Team requests
  • Field availability
  • Our knowledge of teams


To achieve as fair a competition as possible the following guidelines apply to the regrading of teams:

  • We will undertake an initial review of gradings after Round 4, with a final review generally after Round 8. The committee reserves the right to re-grade a team at any time should they deem it necessary.
  • When a team is re-graded, they will be moved to the new division and retain their current competition points and their own tries for and tries against. Re-grading is not meant to reward or penalise teams.


When reviewing the competition for possible re-grading following are some factors that are considered:

  • How many games have been played and against what teams have these games been played?
  • How many players did teams have playing on a particular night; how many players did the opposition have?
  • How is the whole division performing?
  • Are there other teams in the same division who may need to be re-graded?
  • What are the for/against figures?
  • Are there teams in higher/lower divisions that require re-grading and may be switched with?
  • Do the teams have a history of poor performance and then much improved performance once downgraded?

If there is rain on the day of play, ACT Oztag will make a decision by (3pm Juniors) and (5pm Seniors). 

Any decisions on games will be updated and communicated on ACT Oztag Social’s (Facebook & Instagram). 


If there are rounds washed out, we have allowed several weeks at the end of the season to catch up games, the finals will be pushed back if required.  If the washed-out rounds cannot be caught up in these weeks, then:

  • Games may be played on any day of the week, including weekends. These may be single or multiple rounds.
  • 2 half games may be played on the same night if possible. 
  • If they cannot be played in the catch-up rounds then the rounds will be cancelled. No refunds will be issued.

If the fields are closed during the finals, the finals will be pushed back into any remaining spare weeks, if they have not already been used.  If there are no spare weeks:

  • Final series games may be cancelled.
  • Grand Finals will be attempted to be played on alternative days in the weeks leading up to the next season.

If the Grand Finals are not completed, then joint premiers will be declared and prize’s split accordingly.

There will be NO REFUNDS for games/seasons being shortened, varied or cancelled due to conditions outside of our control (eg: weather, public health, council requirements)

SportFix is the registration system used at ACT Oztag.  The system not only allows teams and players to be registered but also provides online draws, results and ladders.  There are two components to SportFix, there is the SportFix App and the SportFix website.

The SportFix app can be downloaded from the Apple or Google stores and is used for players to access draws, results and ladders.

The SportFix website is used not only for access to draws, results and ladders but also has the following functions:

Team Organisers can:

  • Register your team
  • Obtain the invite code that you can send to players so they can go and register themselves.
  • Add additional Team Admins to assist in managing the team
  • Check who has paid in their team

Players can:

  • Register themselves into a team either from an email that is sent from the system when the team organiser adds them OR By entering the code the team organiser provides to them
  • Pay their registration online, including using Active Kids vouchers (NSW Competitions only).

Obtaining Team Code For the team organisers of the teams that have already registered you can obtain the Team Code by Logging into your SportFix account.

  • Go to My Teams (from the Profile Icon in top right)
  • Locate the team you wish to manage
  • Click on View Team
  • Click on Team Member Registrations in the Competition window towards bottom of screen
  • The screen that appears shows you the code to send to players
  • It also shows who has been invited and who has registered.

ACT Oztag provides basic first aid for injuries.  Please note the following:

  • If there is an injury in your game you must notify us, we cannot view all games and see all injuries. If you require treatment at your field get someone to come up to the main building and we will attend.
  • If the first aid officer believes an ambulance is required, they will ASK the injured person if they would like an ambulance called. If they do not want an ambulance called, we generally will not call one as there is a cost for the ambulance that the player is liable for.  The exception to this is if the first aid officer believes the player is suffering a life-threatening injury/illness.
  • All injuries must be reported to the Ground Officials on the night of the Injury and the injury report form signed. Failure to do this will result in denied insurance claims.
  • At each game, you must sign on using the ‘QR Code’ at the grounds.
  • All injuries must be reported to the Ground Officials on the night of the Injury and the injury report form signed. Failure to do this will result in denied insurance claims.
  • All players are advised to have PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE as the coverage under the standard insurance is limited. Standard insurance does not cover loss of wages.
  • If you are under the influence of any alcohol/drugs/medication at time of injury – you are not insured and cannot claim insurance.
  • All claims carry an excess of $100.
  • For insurance cover information, please click here.
  • Teams can purchase ‘Loss of Income Insurance’ for your team at a low cost of $110.00 (incl GST). This can only be done on a team basis not individual. Forms are available upon request. 

If teams have a complaint in relation to referees, teams, competition organisers and/or the way rules are being adjudicated, these must be addressed with the Ground Officials on the night of competition.

If you have concerns during a game, please approach the Ground Officials while the game is being played, it is extremely difficult to deal with concerns after the fact.


If the circumstance of the complaint requires more formal processes, the complaint must be lodged in writing using the complaint form on the ACT Oztag website.



  • Any player that is involved in a fight will be sent off for remainder of game – NO EXCEPTIONS
  • Any player that throws a punch will be sent off for the remainder of a game– NO EXCEPTIONS
  • Any sledging and/or foul language will not be tolerated. There is to be no sledging of the opposition or your own team members under any circumstances. This is a major offence and will result in the player being sent off.
  • Any abuse of referee’s will be dealt with severely.
  • Player sent for a Period of Time or remainder of the game is to HAND their tags to the referee.  Players sent off for a POT or remainder of the game cannot be replaced, you must play a player down.
  • A referee may send you for a P.O.T., the duration of which is at the referee’s discretion. You must take up a position behind your opponent’s goal line and hand your tags to the referee.
  • A second P.O.T. in the same game will incur an automatic one (1) game suspension. This suspension is not appealable.
  • Any player sent off for the remainder of the game will receive an automatic 1 game suspension and will be contacted by the Judiciary Chairman if further action is required.

Suspensions may be given for a certain number of games OR for a certain number of weeks.  Any suspensions issued for week’s covers ALL games for teams the player is registered in.

  • Any suspended sentence handed out is in effect for the current season and the next season the player plays.
  • Forfeits by your team DO NOT count towards game suspensions, BYES and FORFEITS by the opposition DO.

All JUNIOR competitions are an alcohol-free event. 

Do not bring alcohol or drink alcohol while at games (e.g. as a spectator, in your role as a coach, as an official or as a volunteer).



Players are not permitted to consume alcohol at any time during a game they are participating in.  This includes any time they may be off the field during the game or at half time of a game.  

Players observed consuming alcohol during a game they are participating in will not be permitted to continue participating in that game.  It is the organisers/captain’s responsibility to ensure this rule is adhered to.  Teams and players that ignore this rule may be subject to suspensions.

Any player who is injured in a game and is found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be covered by the insurance policy.